Polaroid Diaries - Tracking Record

"Dear Diary - creeping in the shadows of the walls that surround his world, phasing in and out of reality, blurred by the nature of doubt that surrounds the ambivalence of his reality, the fat man momentarily forgets to remember who he is and starts to fade away..."



"Fat Man Fading Away"

Originally, "Fat Man Fading Away" was taken on Thursday, January 24, 2008 at 12:00 AM. Since then this diary snapshot has had confirmed sightings at the locations listed below. Sightings are listed in the order that they were reported...



  • Received Saturday, November 01, 2008...(US Eastern Time)
  • Where the Snap was found:

    "between a wall and a pipe in back alley of Guildford Lane Gallery."

Finder's Diary entry and/or plans for the Snap:

"I plan to leave it at another random destination, probably in Brunswick somewhere..."